Troubleshooting X-Charge

Here is a list of the most common errors when using X-Charge and QuikCheK.

Time out

This means one thing, your computer is unable to connect to the processors computer. Now the question is why? Could be many reasons. Items to check:

1.        Is the phone line connected to the computer? Disconnect it, and reconnect it at both ends, the computer and the wall jack. It must be connected to "Line in" not "Phone"

2.        Is there a fax machine on the same line? Turn it off.

3.        Were you on the Internet earlier? Reboot your machine, to reset the modem.

4.        Try a test transaction in X-Charge. Open X-Charge, enter 5405010100000016 for the account number, enter a valid expiration date, enter an amount $10.00. Choose Submit. If it returns denied card invalid, you know it connected. If it returns time out then we have a bigger problem.

Solving the bigger problem is our last option. It's called a Dial String or Initialization string. To get an understanding of what's happening, you need to see the big picture. The bank industry uses computers too, obviously. Their modems run at a much slower pace than yours and everyone else's. They run at 1200, whereas yours runs at 56000. The bank industry says, "we're not upgrading our computers because it will cost too much money." So you, the customer, need to slow your modem down so it can talk to the banks modem. This is where the dial string comes in. There are many kinds of modems out there, and each one can have anywhere from 1 to 10 dial strings that might slow it down enough to communicate with the banks. We need to find the right one.

Generating a new dial string/initialization string.

If X-Charge has been working on your computer for a long time DO NOT CHANGE the dial string

There's no reason that you would need a new dial string if X-Charge has been working previously, there must be something else wrong that's not allowing you to connect. If you really want to change the string, write down the one you are now using so you can always go back to it, if a new string doesn't work.

Go to Start, Programs, X-Charge for windows, X-Charge Setup.  Click File, Setup wizard, next, next, skip, next, Auto Detect, yes, ok, next, Finish. Click File, Save. Then File, Exit. That will generate a new dial string for the modem. Reboot. Try a test transaction. You can do that as often as you want. Once we get X-Charge working then we can send batches and transactions again.

The perfect dial string?

I have done the dial string jig a million times. Sometimes it just never works. But two years ago I did come across one that has a 99% success rate for any modem. I keep it in my back pocket for special customers. I shouldn't give it out, but I will, because I like all of my QuikCheK clients. You should copy the string that is already there before you change it. Also place a 9 at the end, if you need to dial a 9 to get an outside line.


Other dependable strings



What to do with the string? Go to Start, Programs, X-Charge for windows, X-Charge Setup.  Click the Hardware tab. Enter the dial string in the dial string field. Click File, Save. Then File, Exit. Try a test transaction.

Last resort

Only 3 options left. Go to the X-Charge website <> then click Modem Configuration in the center of the page. You can see a list of dial strings. Or call X-Charge tech support and ask for dial strings. Or buy a new modem and start over.

Batch Error - When Settling Batches

If you get a time out error when settling your batch, stay away from generating a new dial string. Because you were able to get approvals to begin with, that most likely isn't the answer. Your computer is communicating with the bank just fine. Go to Start, Programs, X-Charge for Windows, X-Charge Setup. Click the credit cards tab at the top, try replacing one of your settlement phone numbers with the Node phone number. Choose File, then Save. Try your settlement. If it still doesn't work, call me.

If you get a Batch No. Error when settling your batch, you may need to reset your batch number to coincide with your processors setting. Call your processor and ask what batch number you should be set to. Then open  X-Charge, select Utilities, Reset Batch Number. Enter the number your processor gave you, or any number higher than that.